PTR Hartmann

Position | Travel | Forces

I End operating Force
Force to be applied to keep the plunger or actuator in the final position.
II Operating Force
Force required to cause con- tact snap-action.
III Differential Force
Difference between operating force and release force.
IV Release Force
Force to be applied to the plunger or the actuator at the moment the contact snaps back from operating position.

1 Normal Position
Position of the switch plunger or the actuator when no force is applied.
2 Operating Position
Position of the plunger or the actuator where the contacts snap.
3 Overtravel Position
Final position of the plunger or the actuator.
4 Release Position
Position of the plunger or the actuator where the contact snaps back from the operating position to its original position.

A Total Travel
Sum of pretravel and over- travel.
B Free Travel
Distance between release posi- tion and normal position.
C Back Travel
Distance between overtravel position and release position.
D Pretravel
Distance between normal posi- tion and operating position.
E Overtravel
Distance the plunger or the actuator travel after actuation. In order to ensure switching safety the minimum value of the respective type must be kept.
F Movement differential
Distance from operating to release position of the plunger or the actuator.